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Natalia's YouTube Channel


Natalia on ABC 7 News

Watch my ABC7 NEWS series of interviews on

Gut Health, Functional Testing, Wellness and more!


Why A Holistic Approach to Health is So Effective


Why and How All Disease Begins in the Gut




My client Tammy was suffering from bloating, reflux, and weight-loss and fat-loss resistance, she tried everything and nothing worked until we did a Microbiome Testing!


Find out how working together changed her life





Do you want my personal help with getting to the root cause of your symptoms, chronic conditions, healing your gut, losing weight and fat for good or reversing disease?


Click the button below and let's talk!


How do you turn your health around when nothing seems to work?

How do you turn your health around when nothing seems to work?


Despite doing all the right things, his blood sugar levels were still too high. But after discovering the root causes for his problem thanks to Functional Testing, he managed to turn his health around and achieved amazing results with food and lifestyle changes without having to rely on medication.


In this interview I share this 3 key insights:


👉 The root causes of blood sugar imbalances


👉 Are you feeling “OFF”? learn about the value of getting clear answers with Functional Testing.


👉 How George managed to bring his health to balance and found out he was a ticking time bomb












Do you want my personal help with getting to the root cause of your symptoms, chronic conditions, healing your gut, losing weight and fat for good or reversing disease?


Click the button below and let's talk!



Sweet Tooth Gone Bad

Is sugar really that bad for us?

In this segment I share this 3 key insights:


👉 The difference between added and natural sugars


👉 How much sugar we might eat in a day without awareness


👉 Why cutting down in added sugars is will help you not only lose weight, body and decrease your blood sugar levels but also prevent dementia, and chronic inflammation in your body

Do you want my personal help with getting to the root cause of your symptoms, chronic conditions, healing your gut, losing weight and fat for good or reversing disease?


Click the button below and let's talk!


Kick off Episode
The 1st episode of my TV series 'Functional Nutrition & Wellness with Natalia Garcia" is out!

I'm so excited to share my passion with more people and talk about Functional Medicine Nutrition, the foods that promote health, longevity and reverse disease , which foods to avoid , how to create new habits , and so much more! ⁣

In this episode I share:⁣

The basics of Functional Nutrition⁣

How chronic conditions appear⁣

What are the root causes of disease⁣

You will find the link to the first episode in the comment below

If you are struggling with your current health and have unwanted symptoms and want to have access to my best tips and tricks with practical solutions join my Functional Nutrient group.


Do you want my personal help with getting to the root cause of your symptoms, chronic conditions, healing your gut, losing weight and fat for good or reversing disease?

well on almost every site.

Click the button below and let's talk!

What Are You Truly Hungry For?

Are you feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, or disconnected from your body? 


Do you find yourself eating mindlessly or turning to food, toxic substances, or unhealthy vices, such as alcohol and drugs to cope with difficult emotions? 


Do you ever find yourself eating out of boredom, stress, or not knowing what you truly are hungry for?


If you are nodding your head Yes right now, know that you are not alone! 


I've been there myself, numbing myself with food, unhealthy substances and feeling trapped in vicious cycles, feeling guilty after indulging or taking part in something just temporarily satisfying. 

We tend to use food to numb difficult emotions…. but what if you could identify what you truly need in that moment, and make conscious choices, without the guilt or shame, instead of reaching for the ice cream, potato chips or alcohol? 


It's a tough cycle to break, and I'm here to help you identify what it is you are truly hungry for!


By the end of this show, you'll have a better understanding of why nourishing the part of you that is in need is so important.


Do you want my personal help with getting to the root cause of your symptoms, chronic conditions, healing your gut, losing weight and fat for good or reversing disease?

Click the button below and let's talk!

From Gut Feeling to Gut Healing

In the 3rd TV episode of 'Functional Nutrition and Wellness with Natalia Garcia', I talk about one of my passions: The Gut.

You might think it's a weird passion, but when you learn everything the gut does, how important it is for health, that it has a neural network of it's own, how the microbiome affects how we feel and who we are... you don't have another choice than to marvel and work hard to learn how to heal it and keep it healthy…. Most importantly… to prevent autoimmune disease


I super enjoyed filming this episode with METV - Manatee Educational Television, and I hope you enjoy it as well

Want to learn more? Join my private group where I share all my tips and tricks on how to maintain a healthy gut.


Do you want my personal help with getting to the root cause of your symptoms, chronic conditions, healing your gut, losing weight and fat for good or reversing disease?


Click the button below and let's talk!


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