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Writer's pictureNatalia. Integrative and Functional Medicine Nutritionist

Hormonal Balance: Feel Like Yourself Again.

Hormonal imbalances can affect every aspect of your life, often without you even realizing it. I often read about the experiences of women everywhere sharing their struggles, and my first thought always is: 'This is all about your hormones!'

"My husband had the ‘we don’t have sex enough’ talk… He’s been so patient, but I can’t help how I feel."

"I swear I can watch my own thoughts disappear. I feel like my body is betraying me in every aspect."

"My appetite is out of control. The more I try to eat healthily, the more I crave sugary, fatty foods. I feel defeated."

"Did I aged overnight? My skin is think and wrinkled, my joints hurt, my brain is super foggy, and my mood is all over the place."

These aren’t just isolated experiences. Hundreds of women feel this way, and the good news is that these changes are manageable and even reversible. If you're experiencing low sex drive, brain fog, joint pain, wild cravings, or feeling like your body isn't your own, it's likely due to hormonal imbalance—but there’s a lot you can do to restore balance and reclaim your health.

Hormones and Why They Matter

Hormones are chemical messengers that regulate critical body functions, from appetite and metabolism to mood and reproductive health. Thyroid hormones, for example, play a vital role in regulating metabolism, heart rate, and muscle function. But when hormones fall out of balance—whether due to stress, diet, lifestyle, or age—your whole body can feel out of sync.

Some common signs of hormonal imbalance include:

  • Fatigue

  • Crepey skin

  • Changes in appetite or sex drive

  • Joint pain or inflammation

  • Weight gain or loss

  • Mood swings, anxiety, and depression

  • Menstrual changes or infertility

Hormones must work together in harmony for your body to function properly. If one hormone is out of balance, it can have a domino effect on the others, leading to a range of frustrating symptoms.

How to Achieve Hormonal Balance

Balancing your hormones isn’t just about managing one aspect of your health—it requires a holistic approach that includes lifestyle changes, a nutrient-dense diet, stress management, and the right supplements. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Engage in Physical Exercise: Regular activity supports hormone production and helps maintain balance.

  2. Eat a Balanced Diet: Focus on whole, nutrient-dense foods that fuel your body and support hormone health.

  3. Limit Alcohol and Caffeine Intake: Both substances affects the endocrine system hindering proper communication between organs.

  4. Manage Stress: Stress disrupts your hormonal balance by overproducing cortisol which affects nearly every organ system in your body

  5. Avoid endocrine-disrupting chemicals: Many food, cleaning and personal hygiene products contain chemicals that mimic hormones and wrecked havoc on the body.

  6. Consider Supplements: As your estrogen levels drop and metabolism slows down, your body needs more vitamins and nutrients to maintain hormonal balance.

The Role of Supplements in Hormonal Health

As women age or experience hormonal fluctuations, key nutrients become even more critical. Supplements that support hormonal health can address common symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, fatigue, and weight changes.

Hormonal imbalances can also lead to weight gain. Conditions such as hypothyroidism, Cushing's syndrome, and menopause all cause shifts in your metabolism, which can result in weight gain, especially in areas like the face, belly, and chest.

Non-Hormonal Supplements to Support Balance

There are several non-hormonal supplements that help manage these changes without the risk of harmful side effects. However, it’s important to avoid certain supplements like kava kava or valerian root, which may not be safe for everyone. High-quality supplements that support hormone balance include vitamins and minerals that help regulate estrogen, cortisol, and thyroid hormones—making a real difference in how you feel. Consulting a health professional is key to get not only the right supplements, but also the correct dosages.

Hormonal Testing: Getting the Answers You Need

If you suspect that hormonal imbalances are affecting your health, a simple DUTCH test can provide clear insights. This test checks your hormone levels, giving you the information you need to take the next steps toward balance and better health. Want to know more? Send me an email to

Take Action: Achieve Hormonal Balance Today!

If you’re ready to restore your balance and feel like yourself again, check out my Hormonal Health Supplement Package—now available at a special discount in my Dispensary.

These high-quality supplements are designed to support hormonal health, help you regain control, and bring you back to your best self. Click here to learn more about supplements and start your journey toward better hormonal health today!

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