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Are you ready to transform your health and your life?

In Just 3 Months You Will Drop 3 Dress Sizes, Get Rid of Annoying Symptoms, Prevent and Reverse Autoimmune Disease And Feel Good In Your Own Skin.

Natalia is proficient and bilingual in both English and Spanish.

I Will Show You How To Make The Most Important Investment Of Your Life...
The Investment In Your Health.

These are just some of the stories of my clients. Knowledge is power! and once you know which is the root cause of your health issues, you will be able to improve your quality of life by 25% to 100%.

Dinorah's Story

"I was tired and with body aches... always craving bread and sweets, emotionally attached to food, it was my comfort zone."

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Ashley's Story

"I wasn’t sure going in, but it was so easy! I didn’t have to change my life complete, but just doing a couple of changes. I was even able to prepare the same meals for my husband and child with no problem at all!

No bloat at all, after a few months I was down 5 lbs and lost body fat, but the biggest thing I gained was the FREEDOM! "

Meredith's Story

"When I started working with Natalia, I weighted 220 lbs and had high cholesterol, brain fog and a consistent lack of energy."

Sharon's Story


"Before working with Natalia, I struggle with weight loss, bloating, reflux, and brain fog.

This was starting to affect my business! I'm an entrepreneur, I need to think on my feet."

Kyle's Story


"I’d hit a plateau in my weight loss at 260 lbs, I've made significant changes in my life but couldn’t see any results. It was very frustrating!

I didn’t realize just how bad the things I was eating were for me and my health. I lost 28 lbs in 4 months, 4” off my waist line!

If you want something done, hired a professional! Nutrition was more complex than I thought, so hiring a nutritionist was one of the best decisions I've made!"

Janine's Story


"I was eating out of boredom... a lot of fast and processed foods. I was tired all the time and all my blood work was in the red range. After working my Natalia my cholesterol is down from 283 to 148, and my blood sugar went from 200 to 87!"

Vicky's Story


"No more omeprazol, no more GERD, no more stomach ache...
Rebalancing my gut means I am full of energy and 13lbs lighter"

Carrie's Story


"I came to see Natalia because I had hormonal imbalances, brain fog and fatigue. I just wasn’t feeling good overall. I was confused about different diets like keto or paleo, and what that meant for me as an individual. I needed personal attention…

After a microbiome test, I found out that what I was eating was the root of my hormonal problems. That’s how I started re-balancing my gut."

Bridget's Story


"I was not in a good place when I met with Natalia.  I wanted to beat my sugar addiction and loose weight.  I wasn't drinking enough water, and was eating and drinking to satisfy emotions and not to fuel my body."

Jolene's Story


"My life revolved around food...
I ate when I was hungry
I ate when I was sad
I ate when I was bored...

I was never successful managing my weight because I was always hungry."

Melissa & John's Story


"After 6 weeks Melissa has her autoimmune disorder under control and lost 24 lbs! 

John not only loose 27 lbs but he also got his blood pressure down from 134 to 115, and he is on track to stop tacking some of his medicines."

Mary's Story


"I had tried a lot of diets and workout routines, but I never worked with a nutritionist before. After finding out my blood work was out of range, I decided to give it a shot.

Working with Natalia got me where I wanted to be. I lost over 15 pounds and I the inflammation went right down, eliminating joint pain."

Kolby's Story


"I didn't know the power of intuitive eating."

Tracy's Story


"The Gut Health Program is truly transformative!"

Amelie's Story


"I was completely uneducated about which foods affected my gut."

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It's time to take control of your own story.

Everybody can get a clean and lean body with the right plan and the right tools.

With my experience and expertise, I will help you to get where you want to be.
Let's talk and see what I can do for you.


Want to be in the know for the best Functional Nutrition Strategies?


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