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After 15 years of professional practice, I have learned which are the health issues that affect most of the population. That's why I designed a series of programs with the most effective step by step strategies for you to:


Sustained Healthy Weight Loss Program

Lose your weight and keep it off for good.


Transformation Program

Find out what is really going on in your body through functional testing and develop a customized program based on the findings.


Healthy Gut Program

Beat the bloat, fatigue, say bye to the constipation and abnormal bowel movements.


MB-EAT program

Make peace with food and stop the food cravings that take over your thoughts and life.


Body Composition Program

Achieve a lean body composition by losing body fat, toning and gaining meal muscle mass.

Health & Weight Loss Breakthrough Program

Reverse and manage your specific chronic health condition such as thyroid disease, autoimmune disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes and pre-diabetes, fatty liver as you lose weight for good 

Sports Nutrition Program

Improve your performance, promote optimal recovery and prevent injuries for a particular endurance event such as a marathon, triathlon, tennis or any sport.


Hormone Reset Program

Rebalance your hormones and beat the hot flashes, mood swings and annoying symptoms.

Of course, as each person is different, my programs are tailored to each individual person.


For All Major Home Appliances

30 Day Weight Loss Program Bradenton Florida

30 Day Program - Transformation Jump Start Health Program


You will transform yourself into the person you have always wanted to be


Sustainable weight loss, gut issues, chronic disease, stress eating, hormonal imbalance… Finally, a step-by-step program with everything you need to know to change your life forever.


It's well known that weight loss programs don't work in the long term. This is because these programs are not made to change habits, learn how to shop healthy produce, know how to cook clean meals or correct the internal imbalances that are at the root cause of stubborn weight gain.


I'm giving you everything I know because I want this to be THE LAST HEALTH AND WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM YOU'D EVER NEED.


Would you like to:

  • Achieve your desired healthy weight as you feel good in your own skin?

  • Stop the cycle of fad diets? 

  • Know exactly what to get at the supermarket? 

  • Have dozens of easy and healthy recipes and meal plans?

  • End the pain and inflammation?

  • Put a stop to stress eating?

  • Be in control of your health? 

  • Get rid of unwanted symptoms like joint pain, fatigue, bloating, diarrhea, constipation or heartburn?


We will use a Functional and Integrative Medicine approach to get to the ROOT CAUSE of your health issues.


"For over four decades, I have been plagued by allergies. I have sought treatment from many different healthcare practitioners, tried various medications and supplements, and even adopted different diets. But none of them provided any relief. As I aged, my allergy symptoms got worse, and I even began to experience gut discomfort, joint pain, and loss of energy.


I attributed this to the effects of aging. I assumed that I would have to live with these symptoms for the rest of my life and that my tennis-playing days were numbered.

She put me on a 12-week program that began with a microbiome test. When we reviewed the results, I was amazed at how much care and interest Natalia took in my health. She taught me about gut health and provided me with a food plan and supplement regimen.


Within a short period of time, I noticed significant changes in my body. My gut felt better, my joint pain decreased, and, most importantly, my allergy symptoms improved dramatically. I lost seven pounds, which improved my mobility on the tennis court, and my energy level doubled. Natalia's program also gave me the confidence to choose the right supplements, develop a great meal plan, and select the appropriate snacks for traveling. I now feel empowered and in control of my health."

Nina Schmidt, Sarasota, Florida


“I have been lucky enough to work with Natalia personally and share many happy clients with her. Natalia personally helped me years ago when I learned I had a gene mutation impacting my health. I had debilitating anxiety that was present every moment of my life and impacting other areas of my health. Her studies in functional nutrition addressed that specific gene and she has been able to help me prevent my daily anxiety from taking over my life through simple supplements rather than medication. This has been life changing for me and I still follow her advice and simple regimen over 7 years later. I am forever grateful for having Natalia in my life. She has been such a reliable resource and I still cannot believe the difference she has made in my nervous system with my anxiety.”

Jenna Dodge, Largo, Florida

Thyroid Supporting Meal Plan

For All Major Home Appliances

90 Day Weight Loss and Health Program

90 Day Program - Health & Weight Loss Breakthrough


Get rid of the meds, lose the weight for food and live.


If you feel 'stuck' with your weight and mindset, and confused about what to eat to achieve your goal weight and feel better about yourself, then this program is for you!

This program is designed to help people seeking help after getting out of range blood work, looking to improve their overall health and get to their goal of healthy weight. Together we will tackle high cholesterol and blood sugar levels, pre-diabetes, high blood pressure or a plateau in losing weight. We'll treat these conditions with food and lifestyle habits to reduce the need for medication.


The goal is to help you to lose that extra weight to make you feel healthy and get your system back into balance to bring your lab results into the green.


Would you like to:

  • Improve your cholesterol and blood sugar levels?

  • Get your blood work in range?

  • Achieve your healthy goal weight?

  • Get out of the food craving cycle?

  • Reverse pre-diabetes and diabetes?

  • Create new sustainable habits?

  • Get rid of digestive symptoms like bloating, diarrhea, constipation or heartburn?

  • Reduce your reliance on medications like statins or metformin?


We will use a Functional and Integrative Medicine approach to get to the ROOT CAUSE of your health issues.

What to expect from the 90 Day Program?

This is the perfect opportunity to shed the extra pounds and get your health back with expert Functional Medicine Nutrition coaching and tons of resources for a smooth and easy journey!


  • FUNCTIONAL TESTING - Test, don't guess! To discover the underlying causes of your health and weight loss issues - microbiome test


  • PRACTICAL RESOURCES - I share with you the most valuable resources I have created after more than 15 years of practice. All my easy-checklists and quick guides, expert meal plans, instructional videos, cooking and shopping lessons, how to guides, tips and tricks for healthy eating and more.

"I knew I was overweight, stressed and had high blood pressure. By being aware of what I was eating and what it was doing to me, I tuned in and quickly lost 22 Ibs.

My energy levels have increased, my blood pressure has returned to normal and I no longer need medication, and my mind feels clear."

Maria Lewisx, Bradenton, Florida


"Being overweight and diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. I turned to Natalia and learned about what to and what not to eat. I lost 30 pounds over 2 months. That knowledge may have saved my life and I will be forever grateful."

Thomas Green, Sarasota, Florida

Healthy Recipes Bradenton Florida

Sustained Healthy Weight Loss with Testing

90 Day Program - Sustained Healthy Weight Loss 


Functional nutrition and wellness will change your life forever.


If you feel 'stuck' with your weight and mindset, and confused about what to eat to achieve a healthy weight and feel better about yourself, then this program is for you!

This program is designed to get you started in your journey to better health and long term weight loss.


By fixing your internal imbalances and removing the obstacles that are hindering your weight loss efforts, we'll transform your body from the inside out.


I'll give you the tools, skills, resources and professional coaching to lose the extra weight in a sustainable and healthy weight, but not only that! By re-balancing your digestive system, we'll significantly boost your overall health and get rid of annoying symptoms and chronic health issues.


Would you like to:

  • Finally lose unwanted pounds and keep the weight off without going hungry?

  • Develop a budget friendly and realistic plan that works for you and your family?

  • Break the cycle of food cravings?

  • Create new habits to increase your energy levels and feel your best?


We will use a Functional and Integrative Medicine approach to get to the ROOT CAUSE of your health issues.


What to expect from the 90 Day Program?

This is the perfect opportunity to shed the extra pounds and get your health back with expert coaching and tons of resources for a smooth and easy journey!



  • FUNCTIONAL TESTING - Test, don't guess! To discover the underlying causes of your weight and fat loss resistance and health issues you may have.


  • PRACTICAL RESOURCES - I share with you the most valuable resources I have created after more than 15 years of practice. All my easy-checklists and quick guides, expert meal plans, instructional videos, cooking and shopping lessons, how to guides, tips and tricks for healthy eating and more.





For All Major Home Appliances

Healthy Gut Detox Program Bradenton Florida


Your Gut drives your Health - Your Gut drives your Brain - Your Gut drives your Weight.

Beat The Bloat - Health Takes Guts

Are you always tired? Sick of bloating and stomach pain? Experiencing relentless headaches? Stuck in a cycle of food cravings? Feeling brain fogged.


A thriving digestive system is critical to good health. In fact, problems with the gastrointestinal (GI) tract can cause more than just gas and bloating.

GI issues may underlie chronic health problems, including autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, skin problems and heart disease.

My program follows the simple acronym of the ‘5Rs’: Remove the bad bacteria, Replace key digestive secretions to keep bad bacteria at bay, Repopulate with healthy, strain-specfiic probiotics, Repair Your Leaky Gut, and Rebalance Your Lifestyle. When applied to various chronic health issues, the Gut Health program can lead to dramatic improvement in symptoms, and sometimes even complete resolution.

Would you like to:


  • Clear out gastrointestinal symptoms such as bloating, constipation, heal leaky gut and remove SIBO and Candida?

  • Address the root cause of your discomfort if your symptoms go beyond indigestion and food malabsorption?

  • Get rid of the bloat and feel comfortable?

Get to the ROOT CAUSE of your gut health and weight issues with my Functional and Integrative Medicine approach

What to expect from the healthy gut program?

As a result clients experience:

  • Weight loss and keeping it off without feeling deprived and going hungry

  • 'I CAN DO THIS' mindset - through weekly check ins and accountability journal

  • Implementation of a gut restoration program specific to your gut microbiome based on test results.

  • Individualized, sustainable and flexible plan to guide food choices.

“Natalia understands people and their struggles in becoming healthier and gives them the tools to become successful. Were it not for her, I would not have known that I had a condition known as SIBO. Her recommendation to enlist my doctor's help in specific testing for several possible causes for my digestion problems was spot on and I no longer need to take medications to relieve the symptoms that had stalled my enjoyment of healthy foods. Specific plans for dealing with food allergies, sensitivities, medical concerns, meal planning, tools, tips and planning for healthier living are her talent."- Joyce E. - Ellenton, FL

Gut Soothing Recipes


Rebalance your Hormones - Reach Your Ideal Weight and Get your life back!

Hormone Reset makes it easy to lose weight with some discipline each week without you feeling deprived.

Reset members spend most of the week eating freely, without unrealistic diets to follow and enjoying the healthier alternative options to their favorite foods. I will coach you on how nutrients impact your hormones, lifestyle habits, mindful eating, but no calorie counting or stressful decisions.

This program includes individual support, hormone rebalancing recipes, and Functional Medicine hormonal testing. Hormone testing that shows you how to grow new receptors for your seven metabolic hormones, making you lose weight and feel great fast! When it comes to weight loss, most people don't think about hormones.

But when you develop resistance to your seven major metabolic hormones--cortisol, thyroid, testosterone, growth hormone, leptin, insulin, and estrogen--your body adjusts by increasingly raising your hormone levels and ultimately slowing down your metabolism.

A slower metabolism leads to weight gain and difficulty losing weight. The solution is to reset the efficiency of your hormones by repairing and growing new hormone receptors. Based on leading scientific research, The Hormone Reset Program is one of my proven weight loss and energy programs to reverse hormone resistance in just 10 weeks.

at to expect from the Hormone Reset program?

  • Boost your metabolism and calorie burning by growing new and fresh thyroid receptors

  • Increase your weight loss by re-balancing estrogen and progesterone receptors

  • Reverse your aging by resetting glucocorticoid receptors (for better processing cortisol).





































  • FUNCTIONAL TESTING - Test, don't guess! To discover the underlying causes of your hormonal imbalances that are causing the weight and fat loss resistance, insomnia and hot flashes.

  • PERSONALIZED SUPPLEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS - Tailored list of supporting supplements to help you detoxify your body, boost your liver and kick-start your metabolism.

  • ACCESS TO JOURNAL AND HEALTH TRACKING PLATFORM - Your journal is a tool to tangibly track your food and lifestyle habits, progress and 'wins'. It helps us to explore any obstacles, decide what is working and what isn't, and set your next goals.






Hormone Balancing Plan Bradenton Florida

Dinora joined my program to stop food cravings after receiving her lab results.

She was obese and unable to lose weight through dieting. She was feeling defeated, having to take medicine daily just to manage annoying symptoms and unable to discover the ROOT CAUSE of her health issues.


"I was tired and with body aches... always craving bread and sweets, emotionally attached to food, it was my comfort zone.


I was blaming my age (58) and statins for my body aches, I was taking omeprazole almost every day for my acid reflux...


Based on my symptoms Natalia narrowed down that I had Candida overgrowth, gave me the tools to start a gluten, sugar and dairy free plan to detox my body, after a month, no more bloating, acid reflux, body aches, improved blood work, 24 pounds down and the best of all, now I’m in control of my cravings.


Now, I’m able to stop and think if it’s worth it, now I’m a smart eater."

For All Major Home Appliances

Whole Self Detox Program Bradenton Florida

Whole Self Detox Program


Detox your body and mind from unhealthy foods, stress and limiting beliefs

The Detox Program is a simple plan to get you where you want to be! You will reach your ideal weight, get rid of unwanted symptoms,  support healthy metabolism, help detoxify & replenish your powerhouse body.


Detoxes are popular because we all want to feel our best! Often people do an intense yearly detox and then try to maintain healthier habits. Unfortunately it's easy to fall back into the traps of processed foods, alcohol, excess sugars and caffeine. My approach to detox addresses body, mind and spirit as a whole, so removing harmful elements becomes a lifestyle not a quick fix. I created a full-spectrum program to allow us to remove every toxic barrier that keeps us from total health and vital, fulfilling lives. I want a clear, actionable program that even the busiest and most stressed of my clients can follow.


Would you like to experience:

  • Steady energy levels?  

  • Restful sleep? 

  • Revitalized immune system and optimism?

  • Increased focus and memory?

  • Healthy looking skin?

  • Change of mindset to remove toxic beliefs?


What to expect from the detox program?




  • FUNCTIONAL TESTING - Test, don't guess! To discover the underlying causes of your weight and fat loss resistance and annoying symptoms and health issues.

  • PERSONALIZED SUPPLEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS - Tailored list of supporting supplements to help you detoxify your body, boost your liver and kick-start your metabolism.


As a result, clients experience:

  • Weight loss and keeping it off without feeling deprived and going hungry.

  • Balanced hormones.

  • Better sleep, clear skin, decrease in out of range blood work. 

  • Removal of toxic foods from their diets, increasing energy and reducing anxiety.

  • Creating a vision of wellness that results in an 'I CAN DO THIS' mindset.

  • Awareness of toxic food, habits and sources of toxins other than foods.





“Before meeting Natalia I was at my wits end, my blood work was a mess and I was obese. I was always tired and just not happy.  Through her program and specialty testing

I found that I had gut bacteria imbalance, mercury toxicity, and several nutrient deficiencies. This was eye opening and all reasons I could not lose weight and feel well.

I am currently at half of my blood pressure medication! I feel great. I have energy to burn and look forward to my workouts at the end of a long workday and actually have the energy to complete it."

D.H., Bradenton, Florida
















"I was referred to Natalia from my primary. Natalia worked with my on diet changes, but as the months progressed, I was still feeling terrible. Chronic fatigue, brain fog and depression just to name a few. I also suffered chronic urinary tract infections typically treated with antibiotics. After much debate Natalia encouraged me to have additional testing done to rule out Sibo and or Leaky Gut. The tests were expensive but well worth the money. The results were alarming and very detailed with glaring nutrient deficiencies. Natalia put me on a protocol of vitamins and nutrients, and I was fortunate to get into the Functional Medicine Dept at the Cleveland Clinic. The scariest part of my results was the heavy metals present in my body (which explained why I was feeling so bad). I have been on a strict gluten free diet, have been chelating the metals out of my body and I feel human again. It’s a long process. My takeaway is your “gut” is your engine and responsible for so much more than we know. Natalia had me research, we met regularly, and we still stay in touch. I know she is a phone call or office visit away at all times. Her Functional Medicine background and desire to help people get to the root cause of the problem is remarkable. She does not quit until she is satisfied and has answers for her patients. Meeting Natalia had been life changing for me. Often Drs just want to refer you to the next specialist, (especially when the symptoms are masked) The old slogan of “we are what we eat “is so true! We are flooded with processed foods, fillers, antibiotic raised meats and dairy that wreak havoc on our bodies. Eating clean is hard, and dining out is a challenge, but I do feel so much better. Thank you, Natalia! I am forever grateful for your tenacity and caring ability to get me on the right path. I wish there were more clinicians like you."

Elaine Ackel, Lakewood Ranch, Florida 

For All Major Home Appliances

Sports Nutrition Program



Professional Research-Based Program for Your Body and Performance


Improve your performance, your body's ability to burn fat, and enhance your body composition simply by modifying and improving your eating habits, choices and nutritional status.


Did you know that 80% of your performance and body composition is determined by what and how you eat?


As an athlete you rely upon very specific nutrients, vitamins and minerals to keep your body functioning at its optimum level.


You can't exercise your way out of a bad diet!


After following my SPORTS NUTRITION PROGRAM you will know:

  • How to meet your body's needs by making the best food choices.

  • How to gain and maintain healthy lean muscle mass and weight.

  • Which supplements to take and when to promote optimal recovery, lean and tone up and prevent injury.

  • How to increase and level out energy levels so you can train and perform at your best!​


What to expect from the Science-Backed Sports Nutrition composition program?

  • INITIAL PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT - Review of energy demands, symptoms, struggles and concerns, and medical history. We identify issues: Weight loss, weight gain, injuries, potential nutrition deficiencies sabotaging performance, meeting daily training demands; body composition status; food choices and habits.

  • GET YOUR CUSTOMIZED PLAN - A specific plan with tailored calories and macros to follow with regular evaluations and strategy adjustments to keep you on track, achieve and sustain your desired results.

  • FUNCTIONAL TESTING - Test, don't guess! To discover the underlying causes of your performance and body composition concerns  - link to testing tab 

  • MAINTENANCE - Customized strategy plan for long-term habit development and informed decision-making for success. We track your progress, success with following the macros and meal plan, review strategies to overcome obstacles and define next steps. 

  • YOUR ACCOUNTABILITY & JOURNAL REVIEW - Are you meeting your goals? Each encounter serves the optimization of your performance. Your journal is a tool to tangibly track your food habits, progress and 'wins'. It helps us to explore any challenges, decide what is working and what isn't, and set your next milestone.

High protein meal plan

As a result, clients experience:

  • Ideal body composition for sport type, intensity levels and training frequency.

  • Decrease injuries by taming inflammation when meeting daily calorie, macro and micronutrient needs.

  • Optimal metabolism and immune system through nutrient timing and repletion strategies.

  • Fuelling the body without feeling deprived or going hungry to meet training demands.

  • Increased and leveled out energy by sticking to an individualized and flexible plan.

For All Major Home Appliances

Body Composition Program Bradenton Florida

Body Composition Program



Improve your body's ability to burn fat, and enhance your body composition simply by modifying and improving your eating habits and correcting essential nutrient deficiencies.


A full 80% of your performance body composition is determined by what and how you eat.  When working out, you rely upon very specific nutrients and minerals to keep your body functioning at its optimum level. The quality of your food is more important than calories, and when you eat is just as important as what you eat. Together, we will use my Functional Medicine approach to find a plan for your genetics, lifestyle, health issues, budget and body type, to make you feel healthy, happy and comfortable in your own skin.


You CAN'T EXERCISE your way out of a bad diet! After following the BODY COMPOSITION PROGRAM you will know:

  • How to eat and exercise to be in the best shape of your life

  • What and when to eat to maximize body fat burn and toning up 

  • Which supplements to take to promote optimal recovery, be lean, burn body fat and prevent injury

  • How to increase and level out energy levels so you can workout without running out of steam

High Protein Meal Plan Bradenton Florida

For All Major Home Appliances

Healthy Lifestyle Accountability Program Bradenton Florida

Accountability Nutrition Program




Is it hard to stay motivated? Do you find it difficult to follow your nutrition program without support? Do you miss your weekly meal plans & grocery lists?




Many people feel unsure about how to continue their journey towards nutritional health without the guidance and support from their Registered Dietitian.


They don't need extra consultations, but rather a continuous support system with clear steps and flexible meal plans to make everyday healthy eating easy and transparent.


This Accountability Program is designed to make nutritional health easy. It provides you with everything you need to maintain your healthy weight, keep your blood work in the healthy range, provide clarity in your meal choices and keep you motivated!


Would you like to:

  • Get access to customized quick and easy meal plans and handy grocery lists?  

  • Get encouragement and support as well as nutritional and well being tips?

  • Have access to a dedicated online platform to keep track of your meals and goals?

  • Receive personal advice to guide your meals choices?

  • Get clarity about portion sizes, ingredients, alternatives to popular foods, healthy cooking methods, etc?


Keep your DIETITIAN IN YOUR BACK POCKET and continue to receive all the support you need to succeed and keep feeling better than ever.


What to expect from the accountability program?

  • ONLINE PORTAL & COMMUNITY - Dedicated online platform to track meals, review nutritional facts and get handy information. Access to community Facebook group with exclusive content, videos and group support.

  • PERSONALIZED MEAL PLANS - Flexible, quick and easy meal plans with tasty and nutritious recipes that fit your budget and everyday needs.

  • SUPPLEMENTS FOR YOUR NEEDS - Ask all your questions about Supplements and Nutraceuticals, get personal recommendations available with a discount.

  • FOOD JOURNAL - Your journal is a tool to tangibly track your food habits, progress and 'wins'. It helps to explore any obstacles, decide what is working and what isn't, and set your next goals.

Are you eating out and want advice on how to stick to your plan?

Want guidance on how to keep weight off without feeling deprived and going hungry?

Wonder how to cook nutritious meals not just for you but for your whole family?

Do you struggle to know the best food choices or the right portions?

Looking for all-round support to set goals, keep motivated and stay on track?



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